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The Regenerative Business Development Journey

A coaching course designed to radically reimagine resilient and innovative tourism business​es for the future

Cost: $1490 AUD (excl. GST)

Starts: 29 AUGUST 2024

Enrolments close: 22 August

Regenerative tourism course

Enrolments Open

Why regenerative business development?

In this group coaching journey, we explore why regenerative business models represent a paradigm shift in how we think about the role of business in society and its relationship with nature and people. Unlike traditional models that focus almost exclusively on profit maximisation, or even sustainable models that aim to reduce harm, regenerative businesses actively seek to restore and enhance the social and ecological systems that they operate within.   

Join us for a 20 week online course that unpacks regenerative thinking and walks you through how to develop a regenerative roadmap for your business, organisation, or community. 

Want to know more? Download our Information Pack.

Benefits of Regenerative Business Development for Tourism

Adopting a regenerative approach in tourism offers numerous benefits for businesses, society, and the environment, including,

  • Enhanced long-term viability. By nurturing the systems on which they depend, businesses can become anti-fragile and protect their future viability

  • Social license. Demonstrating commitment to delivering positive social and environmental benefits and communicating those benefits contributes to social licence

  • Increased innovation. Regenerative thinking draws from local lived experience and knowledge, sparking creative solutions to complex challenges

  • Improved business ecosystems. Authentic mapping of value creation in the wider ecosystem helps to build resilient value chains, localise positive impact and a stronger place brand.

  • Differentiation. In a crowded marketplace, a commitment to implementing and evaluating a regeneration approach that goes beyond sustainability makes you a grassroots innovator and leader in the field

  • Employee attraction and retention. Research shows its easier to attract and retain staff if the business delivers on a purpose that aligns with their values.

  • Contribution to global goals. Regenerative approaches align with and advance sustainable development goals but provide the flexibility to co-design grassroots actions that reflect local people, place and nature.

If you would like to know more, then schedule a call!

The Regenerative Business Journey

Develop a Roadmap for your Business or Organisation

This course is a learning and coaching journey wherein you will build a roadmap to implement regenerative principles in your business or organisation.  We will guide you through a transformative process that goes beyond traditional business planning to envision and design a regenerative business plan that mirrors your values and creates value for people, communities, and nature.

Learning Experience


The Regenerative Business Development Journey is delivered online over 20 weeks starting on 29 August 2024. It is designed as a learning and coaching journey.

We have designed our the journey around a rhythm of learn, reflect, share, and activate. We deliver live cohort sessions every two weeks. Every other week there is a group clinic with your peers and/or mentor and individual work.

The timing of the online sessions depend on the location of participants. Every effort is made to find a time that is suitable so that our global cohort can attend and learn together.

As sharing diverse perspectives and experience is a key feature of the program, please enrol early as a schedule will be made according to enrolments 14 days prior to the start of the Journey.


Your learning is supported by the Communiversity providing access to webinars and networking.  We also have guest speakers from our CoLab Associates and global network to support your journey.

Who is the Journey for?

The Regenerative Business Journey is designed for new and existing businesses, organisations and community leaders who are seeking to develop a roadmap to activate regenerative development. 

See the Course Schedule

Enrol Now

The global cohort is a key advantage of this journey and what so many of our participants have really appreciate in their journey. 


While every attempt is made to accommodate different timezones,  signing up now means that your location/timezone can be taken into account in our scheduling.

Your Commitment

Live sessions

Ten (10) live sessions delivered over 20 weeks


ten (10) group clinic coaching sessions



Time commitment average 2-3 hours per week (Note: you get out of it what you invest into it!)



A cohort co-learning, coaching journey means being prepared to have meaningful conversations, be challenged and learn.

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Bring your own knowledge and expertise to share and contribute to creating a genuine co-learning environment

Benefits of the Regenerative Business Development Journey

The benefits of taking our Regenerative Business Development Journey include:

🤍  A journey with experienced and knowledgeable regenerative practitioners with decades of project and leadership experience in local and global communities.

🤍 Access to a global network of people working in regenerative practice, tourism, place-making, community development and regenerative business design via the CoLab Communiversity.

🤍 Co-learning, reflection and connection. Everyone brings with them the full sum of their lived experience and knowledge, and we make space for collective  sharing and learning.

🤍 Access to tools, workbooks, case studies and examples that we have been involved or our networks share with us. 

🤍 Experience what a regenerative way of working and regenerative systems change entails. Learning, being and doing together makes us stronger.

🤍 A certificate of completion and, more importantly, connection into a global community and network of change makers.


Forest Path

Enrol Now

The cost for the 20 week journey -  $1490AUD (excl. GST)


The Regenerative Business Development Journey includes:

  • 10 x 2 hour live cohort sessions

  • 10 reflective sessions in small P2P learning groups or with your coach

  • Printed/digital workbook with exercises to help reflect, challenge and crystallise your learning

  • 4 x 1 hour one-on-one sessions with your coach

  • Access to the CoLab Communiversity learning materials (12 months)

  • Access to an exclusive cohort learning space for Regenerative Business Deep Dive participants

If you are a not-for-profit, social enterprise or community collective, we can discuss your needs.

What Previous Participants Have Said...

Dianne continually thinks about how to trigger growth and learning for others, as well as expanding the experience and understanding of regeneration for all those who become involved. She has linked me to new ideas through so many helpful resources. She introduces people in the community to others who might share their ideas and thinking. Her reflections about barriers and breakthroughs have always thrown new light on my whole my way of being and triggered new discoveries of thinking, feeling and action."

Sally, Victoria, Australia

Want to bring your team?

We welcome enrolments from the same organisation. Learning is more effective when shared and activated together.


The benefits of bringing your team into the Regenerative Leadership Journey means you can share your insights and activate regenerative leadership practices in your team and place.

We have a sliding scale of fees for three or more members of the same organisation. With five or more enrolments, we create a private, safe, collaborative space to build your team's journey.


In addition to access to the global cohort journey, we can also allocate a private coach to your team. Just ask about our team, community, or place-based packages.

Thanks for emailing us. We will get back to you soon!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. When does the course start and finish?


The course will commence on the date indicated. Once we know the location and timezones of participants, we will endeavour to set a time for the live sessions that will suit everyone. Sometimes this is not always possible but we will work with you to find a suitable time.


The full schedule will be made available in late July one month before the course commences. The schedule may be subject to change. A four week break over December - January will be included in the scheduled.


Every attempt is made to be as flexible as possible to account for public holidays and seasonal holidays. Working across timezones can be tricky so we ask participants to recognize these challenges. In almost all cases, sessions will be recorded and available for viewing later.


Upon signing up you will receive access to the Community CoLab learning platform hosted on Circle. 

Q. How is the course run?


Our Community of Practice, known as the 'CoLab Communiversity', is the platform where you will find recordings of the live sessions in case you miss them. We encourage co-learning across the cohort and with other members of the Colab Community, so make sure you introduce yourself and engage in the community.


Q. What is inclued in the access to the Communiversity?


The CoLab Communiversity is a membership-based community of practice that supports all those working to transform the way we travel, host and experience place. Our Communiversity membership includes free webinars, member spotlight webinars, tools, resources and case studies and a network of global regenerative tourism practitioners. You will receive a year long membership to the Communiversity as part of your enrolment. 

Q. How long do I have access to the journey coaching materials?


After enrolling, you have access to this course space for 12 months, or until further notice. You may opt-in and take an annual membership to the Colab after this period. 


Q. What if I am unhappy with the course?


We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us within the first month (30 days) and we will give you a full refund.


Q. Will the course be offered at a later date?


Yes. The course may be offered again (no guarantees) and pricing may change. Email us at any time if you have questions.

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